Wednesday 22 August 2012

this is going to sound mean

First day of school and it was so weird. I only lost five pounds this summer but i walked in the doors and most people GAINED weight. One of by friends blimpd up to at least 50 pounds. In my head i was thinking "HOLLY SHIT IS SHE IN A FAT SUIT!?" i swear she is huge now. Its like what did you do all summer? Shove candy bars in your mouth and lay in bed? How could anyone let it get that bad. Any ways today didnt go as planned with food. I had one bad meal 1000 or more calories and some fruit. Bad bad bad but ill do better tomorrow. Tomorrows plan 1 egg and 1 egg white=85 veg=39 frozen dinner with more veg=329 fruit=100 maybe ill buy rice cakes and snack on those. Finally im the thin friend. But i want to be the thinnest.

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