Friday 13 July 2012

Fasting Finally

Today is the second day of my fast. All has gone well. My nephew will be coming for a sleep over. I plan to make him food with meat in it so i cant eat it (vegetarian) or just stuff i don't like. I did buy him candy i have to avoid but I am hoping it wont be a problem cause i will allow buy self Orange Juice. I am about 159.8 right now. I hope tomorrow i can be 158 even and then 156 ish on Sunday. Then 155 or 154 on Monday. My mom should be getting back around then. I hope i can keep my fast going for a little bit longer after she gets home. Then I will start eating tomato soup and a few Veggies to brake it. then try to eat watermelon before going into any to sweet fruits. My work is planning on going out to eat in August around the start. Not sure if they really will but I'm going to try to get out of it. I have a hard time eating in front of people. Plus its a fatty restaurant and i would gain after. Not feeling all that hungry. My head is starting to hurt a little and i have a few cravings but I will stay strong and i will be skinny. I'm sick of being a fat ass pig. -Jane

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