Wednesday, 23 May 2012


Finaly a computer! I cant wait for my mom to get the internet again. Im going to talk to her about it later. Today when into the hell hole. I had two small peices of cake. 150 each. 300 pluse my apple that is 85.and a bite of cookie and some lemonade so 100. thats 485 and its only 8:14 am. Im a pig. Ill go home and have a salad. Should be 200. Dinner ill try to get away with just an apple.(85) That is 770. Its under 1000 but still isnt good. I am filling in at work for someone. That is 600 cal burned at work and ill take my dog for a walk to burn another 100-200 hopefully. God everything would have gone as planned if my teacher didnt make that stuff and my firneds didnt shove it at me. My head already hurts from the sugar. Anyways. Tomorrow will be better right! Tomorrow will be two apple and a salad. Hopefully under 600 calories. Well ya. So this weekend ill be driving down town to see my friend. Havnt seen her in a few months though so. She was raped by her step dad. Very sad and i miss her. She is always so bright. Its nice knowing she wont let things get her down. Im going to give her this necklace of mine that she like. She graduated this year. i graduate next year. I also signed up for a collage class. Its my back up plan for a job. I hope i get in so i dont have to worry about not having a back up plan. Please let me get it. I should have done this last year. anyways ill talk to you guys later.

Sunday, 20 May 2012


You have no idea how tired I am. It was the final day of ren fair and I took my cousin. I dont like her very much. And she boy hunted all day. Even sat at an older mans age cause she like.older men. Um she is 16....really. It was nice thought cause.she was.chubbier then me. Looked like.she put on weight. Also I found an old pair of jeans that are a tad to small so they are my goal to fit in them. Tomorrow meal plan: 1 kiwi=50 1 apple=80 Dinner???=350 After dinner or before I will take my dog for a really long walk. I want to try and go around this path by our house cause one time around is one.mile. I would like to do two or three. Maybe run it. Then come home and do crunchs and other things. Take a bath and go to bed. I want to lose 2-3 pounds this week. I think I gained but I have not looked. I ate like crap these past three weeks. I bet I am 167. But ill tell you on my next post. Any ways bed time I am to tired.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

A few days ago I found out I fit into a size 10. Ya its still a large size and its alittle tight but it fits. And iv been wearing a size 14 that was always to fucking lose. I didnt have to pull up my pants once! It was pretty cool to me also doing another salt water flush. I know so soon. But iv been eating like crazy so I thought it be a good punishment. My parents think my grandpa is going to die. There wrighting up his will and everything....i know I should care but I dont....he has lied to me and acted like he loved me when he dosnt. My parents are talking about my drugie aunt.and how shes back on drugs and is losing weight. She is getting real skinny . Dont care. This augest when we go see my brother I want to be 140 atleast if not lower. And I will lose it. This summer ill have time to work out. Hope I can do 45 mins at a minimum. I would like to do an hour but I wont push it. Eat as.little as i.can.